Enem 2022 » Tifsa Brasil

Questão 01 de Inglês – Enem 2022

As my official bio reads, I was made in Cuba, assembled in Spain, and imported to the United States — meaning my mother, seven months pregnant, and the rest of my family arrived as exiles from Cuba to Madrid, where I was born. Less than two months later, we emigrated once more and settled in New York…

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Questão 02 de Inglês – Enem 2022

Two hundred years ago, Jane Austen lived in a world where single men boasted vast estates; single ladies were expected to speak several languages, sing and play the piano. In both cases, it was, of course, advantageous if you looked good too. So, how much has — or hasn’t — changed? Dating apps opaquely outline the demands…

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Questão 03 de Inglês – Enem 2022

GAULD, T. Disponível em: www.tomgauld.com. Acesso em: 25 out. 2021. Nessa tirinha, o comportamento da mulher expressa: A revolta com a falta de sorte. B gosto pela prática da leitura. C receio pelo futuro do casamento. D entusiasmo com os livros de terror. E rejeição ao novo tipo de residência. Faça seu comentário via Facebook

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Redes sociais

Questão 04 de Inglês – Enem 2022

A Teen’s View of Social Media Instagram is made up of all photos and videos. There is the home page that showcases the posts from people you follow, an explore tab which offers posts from accounts all over the world, and your own page, with a notification tab to show who likes and comments on your posts.…

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Redes sociais

Questão 05 Inglês – Enem 2022

I tend the mobile now like an injured bird We text, text, text our significant words. I re-read your first, your second, your third, Look for your small xx, feeling absurd. The codes we send arrive with a broken chord. I try to picture your hands, their image is blurred. Nothing my thumbs press will ever be…

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Redes sociais

Questão de Espanhol 01 – Enem 2022

Esse cartaz tem a função social de: A difundir a arte iconográfica indígena mexicana. B resgatar a literatura popular produzida em língua zapoteca. C questionar o conhecimento do povo mexicano sobre as línguas ameríndias. D destacar o papel dos órgãos governamentais na conservação das línguas no México. E defender a preservação das línguas originárias garantindo a diversidade…

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